I'm looking at trees from below or beside going along at around 50 mph, somewhere in the foothills of the Sierras. I dare even to take a goofy picture of myself. Thanksgiving day a lost black lab decided my house was the place to hang out. We put up posters in the neighborhood and her freaked out owner came and got her the very next day. That same day Warrior Princess found a wallet with a full compliment of credit cards and a $100 bill while shopping with her dad. Hubby successfully tracked down the grateful owner. A feel-good day all the way around.
But the dead dad days are upon me and a sick bastard killed himself at the waterfall entrance to my housing development, splattering himself and his motorcycle to bits. I am SO conflicted about how I feel about this. I'm going to think (more like ruminate obsessively) some more about this. Bottom line: I feel sorry for his family/the dude totally pisses me off...