We went to Oregon last weekend. I missed my canine baby so that I could visit my real and actual offspring. What is the deal with Oregon drivers? They are simultaneously highly annoying and quite charming. They all drive the speed limit or less, even in the left lane. If the speed limit is 30 through Newberg, you can bet some asswipe is crawling along at 25. OTOH, while walking around anywhere in McMinnville you can be damn sure you won't get run over. People are meticulous about pedestrian right of way (as well they should be). Even college dudes driving jacked up trucks bumpin' the tunes will stop at a crosswalk and wait until you make up your mind whether or not you're crossing. Here in dangerous Cali, you take your life in your own hands if you walk anywhere. Everyone's in a hurry, cuz they're so dang important. You can tell because they all have a Borg-like ear implant. Scary!

While I was away my fire belly toads made sweet amphibious love and *squeal* hatched some fine tadpoles! See picture below. I took them out of the parents' tank because toady hunger knows no bounds.
I was also gone a lot the previous weekend because the Warrior Princess has volunteered at The Grace Foundation.
It required a bit of training and she is so loving this outfit. I will do a separate post about this wonderful organization that saves neglected and abused horses while providing therapeutic riding for many different special needs children.
The tadpoles:
What is the deal with men wearing skirts? Honestly, it's not an attractive look, but we saw two different men in a single day while hanging out in Oregon. Ok, one dude was a goofy college kid that we've heard is known as "kilt guy". The other was an actual middle aged man in a restaurant and it was a freaking skirt, not a traditional Scottish kilt type outfit. Hmmm?
The final thing that bugged me about my trip up north was the frequency of white people with dreadlocks. I'm sorry but that just looks wrong. It just makes them look like crazy people who can't be bothered with personal hygiene. Eewww, especially you, woman at the Lewis and Clark College Track Invitational, rats could climb in there, build a nest and live happily ever after.
I leave you with this final image. Mother squirrel enjoying sunflower seeds at the bird bath. I sure hope she brings her babies by for a visit sometime. I guess if she's really a good squirrel mom she won't do that though.