So hubby and I are on one of our thrice weekly bike rides down the American River bike trail, and for the second time in a week we see a rattlesnake sunning itself on the trail. We energetically veered around it. I wish no harm to come of it for it is the great consumer of pestilent rodents, however I wonder to myself to what extent I would inflict self harm in order to avoid the deadly Western Diamondback.
Next thing you know Pepe la Pew crosses our path. So again I wonder, what would I do to avoid being sprayed by an angry skunk? So I posed the question to my tandem partner. Here is what we decided:
To avoid the rattlesnake bite on the bike trail we would both be willing to lose some skin or break a bone.
To avoid the odoriferous renderings of Pepe, we would both be willing to suffer road rash. I went the additional measure of breaking any bone reasoning that skunk stink would make me throw up and I really hate to puke.
A few days later I'm reading the paper and I say to hubby, "OMG, there's an outbreak of rabid bats". He looked at me and asked, "Well, rabid bat or broken bone?"
Thank you to the Lone Grey Squirrel for my first ever award! *blushes with delight*