I was able to attend two games this year. I went to Portland and watched the smackdown of Lewis and Clark. It wasn't even a close game (55-7). I must say the campus of Lewis and Clark is beautiful, though their seating at the games is weird because they didn't have room on the hill for opponent stands. So we had to sit all cozy-like together. I was polite and so was the L&C crowd. Contrast this to the horror of watching Linfield barely lose to the nasty and unsporting Western Oregon. Luckily we won't have to deal with those mofos next year. Here's what happened: They openly taunted our guys pregame, their players made fun of our running back when he went down during the game, they played dirty, and they danced around the "L" when they won. Meanwhile, in the stands, some WO fans sat right behind me and to the left of me and they were relentless douche bags during the whole game. (Yes, Linfield has stands on the opposite side of the field for opponent fans.) They talked smack about everything throughout the game. #91's little sister spent most of the game shooting the evil eye at them. I tried to ignore and I did, but I'm not so sure I wouldn't have shot those idiots myself if I'd had a gun in my purse. (That's a good argument for gun control, heh, heh.) Anyway, it was intense. Let me just say WO is a division II team with scholarships, red shirting and they recruit heavily from junior colleges so their average player age is 24. Well, bully for them, then if they can just barely manage to beat us. Jerks.
I was thisclose to emailing you to find out if you've been OK b/c we haven't heard hide nor hair from you in AGES.
Glad to hear the Wild Cats kicked ass, but I do think you should write a letter of complaint to WO. Seriously. Talk about unsportsmanlike conduct.
Have a great New Year!
Finally you're back, and I don't understand a word you've written!
Hi Jojo and val! Yeah, I've been out of it. I'm gonna post about it soon.
Hey!! SO glad to have you back!! those are some great pics you took! at 1st i thoguht you had taken them from a paper of something, then when you said his number i went and looked back and saw that was him:)
Whatchadoin, Claire? Hope you're well.
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