My mom is a faded fighter. She sent me a knitted cap (that she made). I thanked her profusely for it. I will actually wear it (I will keep it in the motorcycle to wear after I remove the helmet and have squished- down, thinning, weird- looking hair that needs to be hidden).
She stressed me out big time this summer by bringing up old shit that she previously said we would not talk about AND she said it in front of my daughter (who knows nothing of the Traumatic Event). Gee whiz, ma. Luckily the Warrior Princess opted not to know more on the subject.
I think it is interesting that people with blighted childhoods (especially with a mentally ill parent) can turn out ok, but troubled or depressed (like BG) and they can also go to the dark side (like 'she who shall not be named'). What flips the switch in either direction? I feel that it made me very empathetic towards the suffering of others, but prone to depression. I have a nugget of naughtiness in me though, that I can tell would have flourished under different circumstances. Still, my driving desire is to give my children a good and happy childhood. That I believe I have done. Test Case has his life back in a bit of order, so no more seizures, hopefully (that's the sound of me crossing myself). Football Playin' Man got moved to tight end so he is a happy camper (my rock- when he's happy- so am I) So its all good, for now....
I feel very thankful and yes, content.
.... being surrounded by mentally sick family ain't easy... oh boy, it ain't easy, but you sound like you're in a good place right now... that's wonderful
lotsa luv ann xxxx
Glad to hear the positives in your life. Hang in there, girl!
Up the Reds!
I am sorry for the struggles you have been through. It is intersting how folks respond to traumatic events - those who come through and live their lives faithfully and well, although troubled by things like depression and those who fall over the edge into behavior that is destructive of self and others. I am glad that you have found the light of your kids in the darkness and glad they are a joy to you.
And people wonder why I fled the east coast and keep a continent b/t me and my family.....they put the "fun" back in "dysfunctional".
dr. Kate gave perfect my thoughts, ...glad that you have found the light of your kids in the darkness and glad they are a joy to you.
Hang in there and take care girl!!
thank you all for your support. As I told K+, I'm not a complainer. I'm kind of embarassed that this came tumbling out...
oh well, yeah jojo, My fam's back east too. Less stress that way.
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