"Sure, Dad."
A couple of boards turned into six plus a crosswise underneath supporting board (whatever the hell its called) which required ripping up all the boards. All that got done. The new boards have mysteriously not yet been stained. Probably a mommy-do list item for the summer. That's ok, I didn't really want to use the sawzall anyway...
Hi Claire. It's a power tool? He should be happy.
Staining is not much fun.
Have a great weekend. :)
Would you loan him out? My son wrote his college essay about being tool-challenged and relying on duct tape. Every project in my house is a "mommy-porject!"
actually my ex was really good at all that kinda stuff... sadly none of my children inherited that gene and I am less than useless....
have a lovely weekend
I need some boards replaced on my front porch as well and we aren't do-it-yourselfers....can he swing up to Washington? lol
BTW, where in CA do you live?
when my husband fixes stuff it gets worse. must be on account of his being an engineer.
dewy- don't all men love their power tools?
K+ - he learned from the king of do-it-yourselfers-- his dad. My other son can't be bothered.
ann- we still love ya for all your other great qualities!!
jojo- well he heads back to Oregon pretty soon for college... we live in the sacramento area.
val- my engineer neighbor called it a 'stringer', I know not of this stuff
cathy- how are his social skills? I hear funny things about those kinda guys! LOL
Claire - Is your son a Duck or a Beaver?
Brian and I lived in SF for 4 years and Marin County for 6. Been thru Sacto but never stopped to check out the capitol city.
The sawzall is the crowning achievement of civilization.
I sleep with mine.
jojo- whatcha' been smokin' woman, he's a wildcat! :) (Linfield College)
val- I love British slang
diesel- my hubby feels the same way about his sawzall. what is with you guys and powertools????
ugh! household projects, my hubby is a shall we say handy man in training? he's learned alot in the 6 years since we've bought our 1st house. but the one thing i've learned is that these projects always cost more than they say and take longer than we think! he's now talking of tearing out walls and moving sinks. (help me please!!)
That's a fair trade - you feed him, he works. Win/win.
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