And while you are at it, give some to your whining, bratty, bullying children! There I said it. I am SICK to death of certain mothers who think their own sweet little issues are incapable of acting like shitheads. Do you think W's backpack got superglued shut 'cuz she's just the most darling generous soul?? Do you think N got pushed on the playground because he was just trying to be someone's best friend?? And why, oh why, do you feel you must micromanage your child's social life?
These little grade school bullies are gonna get their asses kicked when they go to high school unless they learn:
1. how to solve their own problems
2. the universe is not revolving around their heads
3. you have to be a friend in order to make a friend
4. to have a least a small amount of tolerance for different personalities
5. how to be kind
Have I left anything out?
When my (older) kids got in any sort of trouble at school (and one did a lot, not naming names
* test case* :) or anything), my first question was usually- Well, what did you do?
Funny I don't ever recall running to their teachers, "wah! wah! my poor baby, the innocent sweetheart was victimized! wah! wah!"
I feel better now.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
Poppy and Tessie: The Amazing Therapy Rats
I work in an elementary school with special needs kids who are fully included in regular classrooms. These kids have a diagnosis and most are high functioning "spectrum kids" (as in the autism spectrum). In addition there are a bunch of students at our school who have 'issues'. They fly under the diagnostic radar for a variety of problems ranging from social issues, reading glitches, bad parenting and even mental problems.
Twice a day, everyday all these kids all mix together for recess and then their frustrations can overlap and boil over. I have to brag a little about our school and say we have a good 'culture' and there really is not much teasing. Still, in all- shit happens and that's where Poppy and Tessie work their magic.
I haven't found an angry, frustrated, crying or sad child yet that can resist their charms. They never bite. They love to sniff, snuggle and play. Poppy and Tessie are sweet. But, why? I'm not sure. I just know that hardly a day goes by when I'm not thankful for their ratty little selves.
And that, my friends is how I've come to appreciate (domesticated) rats.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Feelin' the Love
I received such an amazing outpouring of love and gifts from my students in the form of valentines, flowers, balloons, candy, chocolates, cupcakes, brownies and probably some other stuff I've forgotten about. If I actually eat all the sugar (sugar IS my crack- so I can't, I can't!), I will be as fat as a hog by Friday.
Happy Valentines Day to all my friendly blogging buddies! Life is so much better when I think, laugh and learn with you all.
Happy Valentines Day to my hubby who is not romantic but shows his love when he makes sure my car has clean oil and the windshield is clean so it is safe to drive at night in the rain.
Happy Valentines Day to Test Case who is so much more than his epilepsy. He's a guy with a fantastic group of loyal friends who really knows how to show he cares.
Happy Valentines Day to FPM who is not just a football player. No one is more tenacious and hard working than he is- a real role model.
Happy Valentines Day to the Warrior Princess who is not just a silly 6th grader. She's smart and funny, someone who knows how to have fun but can strike a balance with work that needs to be done.
Finally, Happy Valentines Day to Crissy, Toby, Jigs, Tiger and Graykitty because you sweet dogs and cats really know how to make me feel human (and drive down the blood pressure).
Happy Valentines Day to all my friendly blogging buddies! Life is so much better when I think, laugh and learn with you all.
Happy Valentines Day to my hubby who is not romantic but shows his love when he makes sure my car has clean oil and the windshield is clean so it is safe to drive at night in the rain.
Happy Valentines Day to Test Case who is so much more than his epilepsy. He's a guy with a fantastic group of loyal friends who really knows how to show he cares.
Happy Valentines Day to FPM who is not just a football player. No one is more tenacious and hard working than he is- a real role model.
Happy Valentines Day to the Warrior Princess who is not just a silly 6th grader. She's smart and funny, someone who knows how to have fun but can strike a balance with work that needs to be done.
Finally, Happy Valentines Day to Crissy, Toby, Jigs, Tiger and Graykitty because you sweet dogs and cats really know how to make me feel human (and drive down the blood pressure).
Friday, February 09, 2007
Desiring Miss Daisy
(I sure hope Daisy doesn't want to know why Rex rides around on Rodan's shoulders. Rodan is a friend to Godzilla, after all, but still it could give her pause when considering his other obvious charms.)
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Cure For the Postictal Blues?
Yeah it happened again. I was alone with him this time. Once again the bathroom was the scene. Funny how you find the strength to roll a 200+ lb. guy around onto his tummy. Anyway, I found found these things helpful:
chocolate chip cookies, LOCI and RHCP

Now the drug he is on has been maxed out. If he has another seizure in the next month or so, his doc will add on another med. Luckily no serious head bonking occurred, only a very sore left shoulder and hip.
He told me an interesting story about the state of his mind when he is 'gone'. He says he fights to get back, for his 'team'. He knows people are all around him urging him to get up, but they can't help him. They are frantic for him to get up before the 'other dude' who is across the river and is bad somehow. He fights hard because he doesn't want to disappoint his team. He doesn't know who these people are. They are close- bent over and kneeling down next to him, but they cannot touch him. He can see the 'other' struggling and he knows he has to be first.
Gave me the chills.
chocolate chip cookies, LOCI and RHCP

Now the drug he is on has been maxed out. If he has another seizure in the next month or so, his doc will add on another med. Luckily no serious head bonking occurred, only a very sore left shoulder and hip.
He told me an interesting story about the state of his mind when he is 'gone'. He says he fights to get back, for his 'team'. He knows people are all around him urging him to get up, but they can't help him. They are frantic for him to get up before the 'other dude' who is across the river and is bad somehow. He fights hard because he doesn't want to disappoint his team. He doesn't know who these people are. They are close- bent over and kneeling down next to him, but they cannot touch him. He can see the 'other' struggling and he knows he has to be first.
Gave me the chills.
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