I work in an elementary school with special needs kids who are fully included in regular classrooms. These kids have a diagnosis and most are high functioning "spectrum kids" (as in the autism spectrum). In addition there are a bunch of students at our school who have 'issues'. They fly under the diagnostic radar for a variety of problems ranging from social issues, reading glitches, bad parenting and even mental problems.
Twice a day, everyday all these kids all mix together for recess and then their frustrations can overlap and boil over. I have to brag a little about our school and say we have a good 'culture' and there really is not much teasing. Still, in all- shit happens and that's where Poppy and Tessie work their magic.
I haven't found an angry, frustrated, crying or sad child yet that can resist their charms. They never bite. They love to sniff, snuggle and play. Poppy and Tessie are sweet. But, why? I'm not sure. I just know that hardly a day goes by when I'm not thankful for their ratty little selves.
And that, my friends is how I've come to appreciate (domesticated) rats.
Ohhh...I think they're cute!
I like their names ;)
Ok, ok, I forgive them for killing a third of Europe already.
Just keep them out of my garage and my crawlspace and my insulation, that is all I have to say.
Glad they bring joy to your kiddos, that is a huge thing no matter where it comes from.
They are sweet. I like most things "pet", even snakes and spiders (wouldn't have one though). I don't think my cats would treat a pet rat or mouse very well...
i think that's so wonderful. i can't handle rats, but glad they work for the kids, anything that helps kids like that is altogether wonderful. my husband used to have one, and jokes about getting one again. i just can't seem to get past those tails (ick)! i know, that's selfish isn't it!?
They are just soooo adorable. I've never had a pet rat but I've heard that they are extremely intelligent, clean and sweet. Though like Fezzi, I can't get past the tails!!
I'm just laughing at what Diesel said. But I can add this: Rats spelled backwards is Star.
tess- the kids in room 17 named them and who was I to argue!?
diesel & logo- the wild ones around here still get a pellet to the old dome- my hubby's nickname is 'dead eye'
val- when I bring them home I can hear my cats thinking about biting their heads off! I'd never let them!
fezzi & jojo- they are very intelligent. we design new 'box' apartments for them once a week with hidden treats and entrances. If you keep their cage clean, they are very clean and the tails are not so gross.
gawpo- me too! Poppy and Tessie certainly are stars the way I see it.
They are cute, and it's so nice that they have a chance to help children in need.
Can I send you the ones that are living in my dining room wall (they could be squirrels -I'm actually afraid to find out!)? Animals of all kinds are huge helps to children - and adults- with all sorts of issues!
Happy Inappropriate Card Day, Claire!
The weirdest thing just happened. I got an email notification that you had left a comment that you already did leave days ago on my blog! What is going on with Blogger? That's a first. Also, all my pics disappeared from my most recent post. Varry Veerd.
gawpo- blasted blogger buggering up your blog!!!
Happy Inappropriate Card Day to all my blogging buddies.
dewey & K+ - I strongly believe animals can bring out the best in children (except I'm not sure about the ones that live in your walls ;)
Hi There, those are neat rats!:)
Animals resonate with a certain honesty. Children have not yet learned to tune that out. That's why it's so theraputic.
No to rain on your parade, or become fabulously unpopular here on my first visit, but the paints on those containers can cause cancer in rats when they chew. It happened to a friend of mine's rat.
(I shall never understand why we humans need to be molly coddled into purchasing with all those toxic packaging paints like a heap of silly morons! :P)
I can't say, with hand on heart, that they particularly appeal to me, especially after one got in our aviary and slaughtered half my birds...
... but if you say the tame ones are good and they help the children, then I who am I to disagree... grudgingly I have to agree they do look rather cute.
lotsa luv ann xxxxxx
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