Me: "I'm thinking about starting a worm farm in the kitchen. You know I could compost all the fruit and veggie trimmings that go down the disposal everyday. We could just keep it right under the sink and I read that they don't even smell bad."
Long Suffering Hubby: "Are you dry shavin' me? I got a guinea pig in the living room, hermit crabs in the family room, a blind cat in the upstairs bathroom, an iguana in my bathroom, fire belly toads in the rec room, plus the two other cats and two large hairy retrievers that roam the house. No, I do not want a worm farm in the kitchen, sorry."
I just feel so misunderstood. :( wah, wah wah...
Don't even ask about the Iguana (unless you want to adopt a 4 foot long lizard).
In case you were wondering about wormfarming you can look here.
It is actually not such a bad idea.
Go on my blogroll and find Danielle - her blog's name is Box89E - and ask her for information on that stuff. She's done it, but I can't remember when her blog post about it was.
My hubby, Brian, looked into vermiculture; briefly though. He did have a small worm farm in the garage, but sadly, it went neglected, dried up, and the worms died.
Have you ever heard of Real Goods? They used to be based out of Ukiah. They sell worm composting equipment.
JoJo - your husband murdered the poor ickle worms? Savage!
I think you can keep them outside, Claire. BUT KEEP THEM AWAY FROM BRIAN!
Hi Claire, I was just visiting your blog via MalSnay's and saw this post and then saw Snay already mentioned my worm bin. You can keep the worms outside, or in the basement, or garage if it's warm enough. I love that worms eat my garbage. I don't have so many other creatures to take care of though. Wow!
Hi Claire,
I noticed hubby did not include himself on this list of roaming critters. :)
See, Danielle's also got amazing perception like that. :)
i thought about this once too, still consider it from time to time, thought it might be a good thing for the kids to participate in.
Snay/Danielle- it sure is nice to know there's other people out there who like this kind of stuff.
Snay-I was thinking about your lego situation and I think you should build a lego uzi and mail it to those poor deprived kids who got their legos banned. hee, hee. My boys used to make guns out of Anything they could get their hands on. Also they loved all manor of icky looking creatures ala alien, predator, godizilla, et al.
Thank you everyone for NOT mentioning that frickin' lizard! Although I'm sure this will be be great fodder for diesel's brand of zaniness.
eeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!! LOL
Well, I can't imagine any lower maintenance pet. Sounds like a good idea. I need to start composting our organic waste again. Otherwise it all goes in our septic tank, which is kind of stupid.
Also, our disposal is broken.
I draw the line at bringing worms into the house, but we do have a composter in the backyard - can we keep our worm pets in there? This is my hubby's domain.
OMG, that's so bizarre! I was just thinking again today how I'd like to do this. I was helping over at a friend's house, painting and stuff, and she has a Worm Composting kit under her sink. She hasn't started it yet, because they're still in the moving-in stage.
I always used to drool over the site by the "Worm Lady" (she wrote the book that danielle mentioned) but my friend got her setup on eBay for far less.
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