I am just so pissed off right now about my teeth. Yesterday I was coming off an adrenaline surge related to Test Case and the seizure that he did not have after all (thank you, God). I went to the dentist for the usual cleaning of my usually clean and terrific teeth. I have lovely teeth but they actually suck.
I have to have a root canal on #14 (upper left) and a removal of #30 (lower right) due to an extreme abcess. Then I will have to a have a bone graft and an implant into my jaw in order to have a tooth there. It takes 4 months for the graft to heal, another 4 months for the titanium pin to heal and only then do I get a (fake) tooth.
I. Hate. Dental. Work.
And I have a funny feeling my insurance won't cover the implant. Why should it, after all to make a bridge which they would cover means grinding down and crowning two other perfectly fine teeth. Doesn't that make good sense?
F*** insurance companies and the horses they rode in on.
There is nothing I hate worse than going to the dentist. You have my sympathy and my prayers! As for the insurance company . . . what is there to say? And we wonder why the economy looks the way it does. It makes you want to grind the healthy teeth in your mouth out of frustration!
Well, you got it better than me - I haven't had dental insurance in a decade. Fuck if I'm not going to be suffering soon.
ooo, i've been doing the dental thing for a year now, the 1st time in all my 32 years. we've no dental either, but i found this clinic that works with people with no dental insur. and their income, that type of thing. i have to drive 30 miles to get there, but who's complaining(!) almost done with all of it, i think i have 3 more visits. just fillings, nothing compared to what you're going thru...so sorry!
Aw Claire, I'm SO sorry to hear that. Are you in much pain? Fingers crossed that everything works out w/ insurance, however... steel yourself for the fight and probable chance that they won't cover it.
It cetainly is enough to have you grinding your teeth in aggravation! Good luck with it anyway. No way around it - dental work is no fun.
Oh, you poor thing. How terrible that the best we can hope for for you is that the insurers pay up.
K+ -I wear a mouth guard at night b/c I clamp my teeth down so hard!
snay- Sorry about that my friend. See, that's why you are going to all the trouble to graduate from college. Soon enough you will have dental insurance that you'll have to fight with too!
fezzi!- Hi! Nice to hear from you. Where's your new blog?
jojo- I'm really not in much pain at all. The abcess is in a tooth that has already been root canaled to death. No nerve=no pain. As for the other, I just don't chew on that side!
g- Yes it does! And no it's not!
val- I've yet to find out...
I'm so sorry. I have a good friend who just went through this. It's a long process.
Wow. I'm sorry, Claire. That sounds like a nightmare. On the bright side, at least you're not stuck on a deserted island having to do your own dental work with an ice skate. (Hoping you've seen Castaway....)
I know about that... here that type of tooth costs at least £2000 and is not covered on any insurance scheme.
I've just broken my front tooth, I need two new crowns and I've had to have surgery to scrape infections from my jaw... eeeeeek... I've had it with dentists; I swear mine could go on a world cruise with what I've paid him
lotsa luv ann xxxx
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