I lost Ignatia today. Not lost, but died. She was just plain dead. Toby in February, Gray Kitty in March and now Iggs -all gone. She was ill in April, but I took her to the vet and she recovered. She was doing very well, or so I thought. I know she was somewhat old in iguana years, but I paid careful attention to her diet, so I thought she could have lived for many more years. I'm bummed that the pumpkin vine hadn't produced any flowers yet. Pumpkin flowers were her favorite treat. We buried her under a valley oak in our yard. Her bones and flesh will nourish the grand tree as it grows to its eventually enormity.
She was "just a lizard", but she had a very pleasant personality. Most people who met her liked her, especially the children. She was the vegetarian pet that I adopted for my manchildren, back when they were little boys. They wanted a snake in the worse way. Mama knows best and they got an iguana. Years after that we rescued a red-tailed boa that was starved. They got their snake after all. We fed the snake and Sandra became large and sleek. It was a distasteful process. The boys went to high school and forgot about Sandra. I found a home for her with a guy who absolutely loved her at first site. I kept my vegetarian Ignatia who was not a horror to feed, but a delight.
Till today, of course. And now she feeds the tree. R. I. P.
i'm so sorry cliare. that just sucks. i know you love your pet's and they're lucky to have had some one who took such good care of them. take care luv.
Oh, Claire, your lovely menagerie with your gorgeous iguana. May the hole in your heart bleed less soon.
Oh, Claire...I'm So Sorry. This has been a rough year for you. *Big Hug*
Aw Claire, I am sooo sorry. Man, a triple whammy this year. It hurts so much to lose a beloved member of the family and I grieve with you.
Thank you all for your kind comments. Pets get old before we do and that makes us sad when they die. Mine just lined up in an unfortunate configuration this year. I really, really (knock on wood) should be done for a while now. My lab, Crystal is 8 and going strong. My cat Jiggs is 9 and looking good. Mia's a baby and Tiger is only 3.
Oh honey, so sorry to hear this!
All creatures have a personality. No-one can ever say she was "just a lizard"....
I hope your sadness lifts soon!
Aw, crap. Sorry to hear this, Claire. Hugs!
I don't think it matters, a pet of any sort becomes family. Once you care and nurture something, you can't help but love it too. So sorry - it's been a tough pet year for you. But you'll have fond memories under the tree.
Oh, darn it. She was really cool.
This is a tough year for you, dear one, indeed. Crud.
I'm sorry, Claire. I'm sure the iguana had a good life with all of you to take care of her. I think you have a very healthy outlook on it all, though. The tree is sure to outlive us all.
oh Claire, that is so sad and I'm so sorry... we get so attached to our pets, although nothing nothing nothing could warm me to a snake... wise decision there Claire.
I live in an non-animal friendly house, so no pets for me now, but they were certainly a major part of our household when the children were growing up and I know exactly how you feel
hope you and yours are all good
lotsa luv ann xxxxxx
Ah Claire, that was both sad and delightfully written! I like the albino corn snakes, but I know they would eventually need food that I wouldn't want to feed them. Even the idea of crickets getting away does not sound like fun.
Sorry it's such a bad year for the pets!
Take Care,
Maybe get a turtle next time. I hear they can live to be like a hundred.
Although it will probably be sad when you die. :(
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