Monday, September 17, 2007

Boom, Boom, Out Go the Lights

Anybody remember this old chestnut? Pat Travers?

I'm taking a slight hiatus. Test Case had another seizure which was the result of an unhappy collision of bad decision making and medication that is no longer working so well. And it happened at an unusual time of day. I hope to get the meds problem resolved this week after the blood tests come back.
I just feel depressed right now and stressed out...


Deadman said...

Hugs, Claire. I hope you get him stabilized.

Anonymous said...

I'll pray for you.

Axe said...

Oh, hon, I hope all goes well!


Lone Grey Squirrel said...

Sorry to hear that you are both low. Hope you both feel better soon.

JoJo said...

Take care Claire. We're all here for ya.

kris said...

awh claire, i'm so sorry. i hope you all can get it worked out and worked out quickly. hugs, thoughts and many prayers sent your way.

G said...

Claire, sending wishes for all to be well for your son. There is nothing worse than seeing your child suffer in any small measure.

As a sidenote I do remember that song but why am I remembering Jerry Jeff Walker? Just trying to take your mind off things.

Take good care and big hugs to you.

val said...

Claire, sorry to hear things have gone off for you and your son. I hope they find a medication that really suits him.

Jane said...

*Hugs* Claire. Hope things start to turn for the better soon.

Grundir the Implacable said...

I'm sorry, Claire. I'll be thinking about you and praying for you both.

Grundir the Implacable said...

Er, and that goes for my pal Diesel as well. :)

Anonymous said...


Sorry for his problems. Hope you find some answers soon.



Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

Hang on in there hon, it'll improve eventually, it has to. My heart goes out to you, I wish I could make it better. But remember, he's a fighter - just look at his mum! ((x))

Jocelyn said...

Oh, sweetie. Best wishes. Best, best, best.

Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

Have you had the blood results back yet, Claire? I hope you've had some good news. You are a brilliant mother, hang on in there hon. x