This is Ignatia, AKA, Iggs enjoying the summer heat and her personal lettuce planter:
The fire-belly toad tank needed cleaning so here's a look at them. I think they are beautiful and they call to each other in what can only be described as mellifluous yet somewhat haunting tones. The blue anoles (one is shown on the left) are the tank mop up crew. They run around and eat the extra crickets, mealworms and beetles that the toads miss. I know Rose probably has these running wild all over in Florida! Rose, I hope you appreciate the mass of insects these guys slurp up!
Here's the summer fun part:
I have really been cranking out the housework that I like to get done every summer. I'm giving myself a break today and my favorite furfriend, Maggie is visiting today. She is the puppy my daughter babysat for ten days and she has not forgotten or stopped loving us. My how she has grown and you can see how she has lost her fluffiness.
Hey the slip n slide looks awesome!!! My parents would never get one...they were afraid it'd ruin the lawn. Love the pets too!
You have an amazing menagerie. I'm fascinated by frogs and iguanas, but in the UK they are too often consigned to rescue centres as people buy them without knowledge or thinking. Glad to see yours are in good hands.
Cool! I love reptiles. I used to catch snakes when I was little and chase the boys with them :)
what fun!!
jojo -and ruin the lawn it did, cuz the numnuts didn't pull up the black plastic for 2 days!
val- I cringe when I see baby iguanas at the pet store. I want to post a big sign "THESE GROW TO BE 4-6 FEET LONG". The reality is if they are not fed properly they can easily die from nutritional deficiencies.
tracey- I did that too!
kris- you betcha!
That giant slip and slide is awesome!!!!!!!!!!! I gotta kow what they used!
Nice animals-I love the scaley beasts!
Hello Maggie, I just love her ears!! Beautiful iguana...For some reason I'm afraid of toads.
wreckless- it's the longest slip'n slide in the world! We've always had lots of pets cuz we're all animal lovers (except hubby, but he's nice about it).
tess -aw, sorry you don't like toads. Spiders scare me. I love my retrievers, Toby and Crissy, but Maggie has a special personality and she is crazy-cute.
Gotta love the slip and slide. My kids have been spending most of the day in our little 15' above ground pool.
Ooh, I want to play on that water-slide! That little pup has the cutiest ears ever, lovely collection of pets, too.
Shame you had to depress me and mention the H-word.. now I remember how much mess I need to clean (sigh).
Diesel- Good thing you have that pool or those kids would be in your fountain!
SWS- I find that as I get older I can tolerate more dirt and messiness! Is that good or bad? I'm much more mellow, but lazier than ever...
Yes they do eat lots of bugs and we have hundreds around our house.
I actually roused myself to post twice today. :)
Rose- I love nature in all its forms.
Ugh - you are braver than I! I am not a reptile fan and can always tell when I am really deeply upset because I dream about snakes! Just looking at reptiles makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I felt much better when I got to the slip& slide!
K+ -that's how I feel about spiders. Even though I know they are an important part of our environment, I can't really look at them w/o getting creeped out.
Hi Claire!
Crap. Pardon the shift key fatfingering!
Hi Mark!
I keep thinking of the thwacking sound that lovely girl's body must have made when she hit the ground. Ouch! Good thing she's young and was sliding.
And I love knowing the word "anole."
You have so many neat critters! Wow!
Do you babysit the pomchi often? We babysit a Lhasa Apso a few times each year. She's very sweet. :)
I love the slip 'n' slide! It reminds me of a very similar one my sis and I set up years and years ago. :)
Pomchi? sooooooo cute!
lovelovelove all these pictures, my friend! that slip 'n slide conjures up all kinds of happy memories (what can i say, i remember when those things first came out. oy. suddenly i feel, like, really old)
looks to me like you've got the makings of a fantastic -- and colorful -- summer! : ) xox
I'm loving you life. Dogs, iguanas and slip and slides. The perfect combo.
Claire, you are a wonderful Mom - the menagerie, the slip and slide, you know how to enjoy a summer. Have a great one!
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