To my own dentist (extraction & bone graft) I say "Thank you for not scrimping on the novacaine or vicodin."
In other news, Mama Duck abandoned her nest and thus the embryos have perished. The nest was in a singularly awful location. I learned much about duck nesting behavior from my research into this matter. It seems that up to 85% of mallard duck nests fail. Mother ducks often need a year or two in order to get it right. Ground nesting birds are subject to greater predation rates, so a success rate of 15% is all that is needed to replenish the population. The sad reality of nature is that we must accept what cannot be changed *thanks to Ann for reminding me of that*.
How about those Sierra Nevada Mountains? Beautiful and as of last weekend still covered with a bit of snow. This is a view from about 8,000 feet near Silver Lake from the back of the Goldwing. It was a glorious day.
gorgeous pictures, sorry about your duck babies. and much r & r and a quick healing sent your way;)
Oh. My. God.
Dental work. Root canal. Vicodin. Hit it hard, sister.
Glad you have other thoughts, of ducks and mountains, to distract you.
Very beautiful mountains.
Sad ducky story.
And OUCH! poor you - get well soon.
I'm sad about the duck babies. Poor little things.
Hope that you are feeling better though. And great pics of the mtns! The Sierra Nevadas are gorgeous.
It's hotter than hell here, looking at the lovely mountains has cooled me off. Thank You!
Sorry to hear about the ducks :( Oh, dental work..Thank God for drugs!
Wow! Breathtaking. Beautiful. Gorgeous. I love snags. Like the one at the bottom of the second pic.
Nature is not thrifty with her casualties.
Bet your present condition has you thinking of the Sawtooths. Ugh.
Beautiful mountains.
I hope you're recovering from the tooth problems.
I used to think I'd rather give birth than go to the dentist... I've had so much surgery, my mouth is the most valuable part of my body... eeeek
what a shame about the ducks... can't fight nature. we used to breed budgies and it was sad to see the number of eggs thrown out the nesting boxes; yet they still managed to produce lotsa little ones
what a spectacular view... how uplifting to live near such a beautiful place
have a lovely weekend
lotsa luv ann xxxxx
I am so sorry you are suffering through the dental work! My worst nightmare - I hope you are soon feeling better!
Thanks everyone for the kind thoughts! I'm certain that the good energy I received has sped my recovery (and w/ plenty of vicodin it did go by fast!).
I thought a lot about the duck situation and it boiled down to this: It was best to let the nest alone so the mother could raise her babies. My plan was to personally shepard them to the reservoir when the time came. I checked the nest carefully only once each day. I never scared her away. One day she just wasn't there. My daughter had wanted me to buy an incubator and take the eggs. Ducklings imprinted on humans however don't know how to live in the wild and are easy targets. I rolled the dice and hoped for the best outcome. I didn't work out the way I'd hoped, but I still think I made the right decision even though it was sad.
Tess - don't let the pics of those mtns fool the summer, the Sierras are very hot!
Yes jojo is right! It was hot enough the day we rode that we were in short sleeves at 8,000 feet.
Gawpo, what is the "snag" in my photo?
What a beautiful view!
I just flew over those mountains, and was surprised how much snow was left. I even saw my house from the plane! (It helps to build your house near 2 giant water towers.)
I once had an Asian dentist who looked like he was about 17. Scared the crap out of me. Turns out that he had the skills of a 12 year old though.
Awesome pics. I am so envious.
I just remembered that when we were just married we had a duck build a nest in a gnarly old box elder tree right by our house. Leaving my house I could see Mrs. Duck sitting there.
Sorry to hear the bad news!!!
beautiful pictures. you're fortunate to live there.
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