Sometimes the ebb and flow of life rolls up into a tsunami and knocks you down on your ass.And that is where I'm at right now -down but not out.
Test Case had an electrical storm in his brain, bashed his head and scraped his face and shoulder. He was in public with a friend and the paramedics who were called by a bunch of onlookers wanted to transport him. He hates that even though he knows they only want to help him. At the time I was taking Warrior Princess to the doctor for an ankle x-ray (luckily it's not broken, only bruised at the growth plate). The friend called FootballPlayinMan who was able to zoom over, sign off and take his brother home. FPM called and said Test Case looked bad but seemed to recover faster than usual. Asked about it later, Test Case says he 'forced' himself to come around faster because of all the questions the paramedics were asking him and people were looking at him and he was embarrassed. The crest of the wave is building now.

Stress goes to my back where I had a disc removed 15 years ago. Earlier in the week I did something to it (who the hell knows what -alien abduction perhaps?). More stress and the wave reaches its apogee. I cannot move at all or sleep even due to severe pain. So here I am laid up on the couch after visiting the doctor and begging for darvocet. Darvocet is a fucking miracle drug to me right now. Smaller waves are breaking now. School starts tomorrow and Wednesday FPM goes back to Oregon for college. WP is extremely excited about starting 7th grade. She got a math teacher one of the brothers had. Naturally she's heard horror stories, however she met this teacher at orientation and has wisely declared she will maintain an open mind and what do her stupid brothers know anyway, right?
Oh, dearling. Good gawd. What suckage all around.
I'm wishing heartily for Darvocet to get dropped out of a hot air balloon hovering over your house.
Hang in there.
Wow. I hope the pain wears off soon. I am familiar with such pain as I used to have back (slipped disc) problems. I reckon this beats childbirth but I will never know. What do you think?
anyway, hope you feel better soon. Feel the waves ebbing away.
Jayzus. Hugs, Claire!
Still want to know what your e-mail referred to...
Wellness wishes to you and yours!
Oh No...I ruptured a disk in my back a few years ago, worse damn pain of my life. Sometimes it helps if you sleep with a pillow between your legs. (Or not...take drugs)
It would probably also help to sleep with Vincent between your legs too. ;P
But in all seriousness, I hope your back gets better soon, and also, you have great kids.
Hope you are the mend Claire. That really sucks being in so much pain. Gimme them drugs.
Jocelyn -mmm, darvocet good. suckage bad.
LGS -sorry, childbirth is worse than back pain and consider yourself lucky to not know! thanks for the well wishes.
Mark - I explained myself. WHO-RAH and thank you
Tess - yeah, hugs, drugs and pillows -it's all good!
Jojo - you made me laugh out loud and so I do feel better already!
Rose -I'm not normally a druggie, afterall I had some left over from the last bout 2 years ago. When those ran out I had to have more.
woo-hoo, who's happy now! I'm a total lightweight...
Nothing like an electrical storm in your skull to liven things up. Back problems are miserable too. Hope you feel better soon. Don't skimp on the drugs. Just don't read my book while you're on them, because it's the equivalent of 6 shots of vodka.
Claire, Claire, Claire - here's a big hug. I feel for you and TestCase. It's not easy this life thing at times. Here's to speedy healing for all.
I have a feeling WP will do just great with the Math teacher. Something tells me. By the way, does that mean you're back to school in your condition? I hope you have more time to rest.
Oh you poor baby, I feel for 'ya, I really do! I put my back out last year, and it's never quite been the same since. I can't imagine what you must be going through. Hold on in there Claire, Darvocet red-cross parcel is on it's way. x
Have you tried fixing your back with stretches, hon? Not yoga, just stretches. I rehabilitated quite a few clients who broke or injured their backs with a few simple stretches, for strengthening and maintaining, when I worked as a PT.
Because of headbanging, I was once paralysed for 6 weeks, but I fixed it with the most basic agility exercises. Okay, I'm gonna stop being a PT now, I promise.
I hope you feel better, babe.
I like Jocelyn's word, suckage - it describes your situation perfectly.
Someone once taught me an Alexander Technique move that helps pain temporarily. You stand with you feet several inches apart, and a few inches away from the wall. Lean back against the wall and bend you knees, keeping the small of your back against the wall, and hold it for several seconds. Straighten your legs again and hey presto - instant relief! Doesn't last long, but while it does - heaven!
my back still hasnt healed from the car accident i was in :(
i hope you start feelin better!
Prayers for healing for you and for your son. What a burden you both carry! Breathe as much as you can and give yourself permission to take good care of YOU!
yuck... you poor thing. Hope it heals real fast; I really really sympathise. They do say the gentle rocking motion of *u know what* nudge nudge wink wink and the endorphins works wonders... well so I've heard ;o)
diesel- just keep me laughing!
g- went back today, only a little drugged up and much better
sws- thankyou. darvocet truly is miraculous for me
axe- Yes, over the years with various PT that I have had, I have learned some good moves. I also own an inversion table which I use if I feel one coming on.
val -well I'll wait to try that one when I'm a bit farther along. Walking is good too.
l'oreal -car accident? Yuck, now that's some major suckage! ;)
K+ -Thank you for the kind thoughts. Breathing is good!
Ann- you are so naughty!!LOL
yowza, Claire! so sorry to hear of all this "drama" in your life. tho' without these dips, how would we know and/or enjoy the crests? (that said, i wouldn't mind knowing/enjoying a few more crests and/or avoiding a few more dips, and i'm quite certain you feel the same)
hope you're feeling better by now... and that Life is starting to seem a bit more "normal" for one and all. (have you tried acupuncture for your back pain? might help more than you imagine... there are protocols that might be appropriate for Test Case, too!) i'm in total agreement with G, WP will, no doubt, get along with that teacher just fine -- especially with that great attitude of hers! (guessin' she gets it from you)
stay well, my friend! : )
yes, drugs & vincent do wonders for a woman! glad you're on the mend, and i will always stick by chiropractic care;)
yes, a highway accident none the less. it sucked :P
How are things now? Is your son alright? ((hugs))
neva- thanks, much better now.
kris- agree!
l'oreal -I am better! I just needed to be able to relax (drug induced) for a few days.
sws -Yes we are both better. His face is healing up nicely.
Wow. Back pain sucks. Not a profound observation, I realize, but, wow. I've had a few trouble spots with my lower back after having my kids. I followed your link from Rose...just thought I'd say hi and love the photo of the wave :)
My heartfelt apology. I dumped the last comment because I ended up posting it twice. My fault for not going to be...little sleepy at the moment...
Darvocet is my God and my Savior.
And I don't CARE if that's blasphemous.
Back People UNITE!!!!
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