My indoor cat let himself out and climbed a tree. He has an incredibly original name -Tiger (cuz, you know, he looks like a ...)
The rest is what one of my favorite bloggers, Candace calls "photographic diarrhea". Why am I so amused at that tag? Must be my inner kid.
Work life is very busy and annoying (not the children of course they can't help it, but the other teachers, the ones that do not like dealing with 'student support services' aka special ed and especially the kids that go with it).
Yikes! Did anyone follow that?
I'm short and sweet (but actually tall and cranky!).
Tiger!! Did he manage to get himself down or did he have to be rescued? (He's lovely BTW)
Wonderful pictures. Is that a pumpkin?
That's some fierce indoor cat!
And I love the light in the squirrel's tail. Great term, the photographic diahrrea (or however the hell you spell that).
Nature kicked into that pussy, huh? Watch Tiger go!!!
BTW, you don't have any Belladonna(Deadly Nightshade), do you?
aww, i cant see tiger! hmm i'll try back latter. sorry you're having to deal w/ so much drama at work. it's a shame that people who don't like special ed are even working with it as the kids i'm sure suffer for it. the pics i can see are gorgeous! we planted pumpkins last year, but they sadly they didn't come up...
Beautiful photos! Tiger's so cute! Are those your plants?
Hi Busy Claire,
Such a variety of plants and critters you have. Not even counting your children. ;)
Great photos. Thanks for the heads up on the squirrel. I missed him at first cause I was attracted to all the large round orange objects. Tigers and squirrels in a tree are a recipe for disaster or for hilarity though.
Love Tiger, good to see him roaring.
It's great working in a school where ALL the kids have special needs, 'cos none of the teachers can ignore it.
great pics claire... as for your pussy... aaaaaaaaaaah
Indoor cats is something new to me... I thought someone was winding me up 'cos I thought all cats wander around outside...
That last pic is great!
That cat looks absolutely demonic! Does he have a bird in his sites??
Pretty photos!
Tiger has cool markings! I love when bloggers get photographic diarrhea! Here's hoping you infect some others as well. I hope you make a very slow recovery, or none at all. ^_^
The spiderweb pics are especially cool.
Are those cantaloupes? I have really bad luck trying to grow cantaloupes.
tess -Tiger is quite athletic and got down just fine. Yup, that's a 'Big Max' pumpkin.
jocelyn -all you writer types come up with the best terminology.
axe -ever the naughty girl...and hell no I don't have any Deadly Nightshade. Who do you want to poison?? LOL
kris -some people just don't understand certain quirks. I grow pumpkins every year b/c my Iguana loves to eat the flowers.
jojo -thanks! Yup, all in my backyard
rose -variety Is the spice of life, no?
LGS -Tiger would love to face off with a squirrel, but he'd get his little nutless butt kicked!
val -I know what you mean. There is value though for the children to be in a mixed environment. They (the so-called 'normals') learn about caring and tolerance.
ann -it's a bad idea to let cats wander around. Here in the west they become coyote food. Also they kill songbirds and that's not good.
mark -thanks
dan -it was actually quite hot that day and he was panting.
candace -they are past-their-prime lemon cucumbers. I grew them and didn't really like them, so I let them go, too lazy to pull out the plant. but hey it made a nice photo
Thank you SO MUCH for letting us click and enlarge like that, Claire. So many have gone exclusively to Flickr or the like and you can't really get the detail. This makes stalking SO difficult!
Now, about the pictures themselves. They are marvelous. I especially love that wild tiger you captured ascending the boa tree. Priceless.
He looks like a... what?!?!
loveloveLOVE the pics! and, with regards to that "frustrating teachers/special ed/help me Jeebus" conundrum, trust me... i feel your pain. been there/done that more times than i care to count.
tall, short, sweet, cranky... it's all good. hang in there, girlfriend, you'll hit your stride and/or find a routine any day now. ; )
ps: i "get" the kitty name thing -- we call our cat Fuzzy Butt... because he has one.
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