I often read blogs written by people in the UK and they just don't understand American's obsession with guns. I'm going to explain.
First of all, you never know when Alien monsters will drop by for a visit and want to use your body as an incubator or for food. Predator monsters might be nearby as well chasing the Alien monsters and feel the need to stop and hunt a hapless human.
Most of all, the government might be lying to you. You never know when the government might need to blow your town up to prevent further Alien monster infestations and you might need to fight your way to freedom.
You see, it's all about freedom.
"We should have landed in London instead"
PS. My boys made me go see "Aliens vs Predator Requiem" with them. It was gory and I spent at least 1/3 of the movie with my eyes covered. A real mother-sons bonding moment if ever there was one. I still think Diesel could make good caption contest hay with this movie.
Ooh, you're right about Diesel vs. The Alien. I would have to shield my eyes on several fronts.
I might be tempted to enter a caption. So is this what I have to look forward to with Julian? I'm steadying myself.
"they just don't understand American's obsession with guns."
's'okay. I'll never understand the British obsession with eating food that smells like a bag of urine.
Since we here in these United States of Amurrica have the freedom to choose between steak-and-kidney pie or a Smith-and-Wesson pistol, I'll take the latter, thanks.
After all, Mark, killing dozens of people with a steak and kidney pie is so quick and easy compared to using a gun, isn't it?
As for food smelling like a bag of urine - have you ever thought someone was sending you a message about your own unpleasantness, rather than that Brits actually eat food such as you describe?
To think nice, tolerant people like you can go and pick up a lethat weapon more or less for the asking. I'd rather go with the aliens.
Thank you for explaining the use of guns to fight for freedom from being killed by Aliens, Predators and Government. I am so relieved. I previously thought that said guns were aimed at squirrels and each other.
Don't forget the need for guns to protect ourselves from zombies. Only a shot to the head will stop them, you know.
Val - lol, ditto.
too funny! glad to hear you're enjoying oyur moments of mother son bonding:)
jocelyn - Yeah, you're feelin' it. Diesel needs a really Big Gun too!
g -my boys have always loved things that are big, ugly and terrifying. I go with da flow.
mark, mark, mark, how will we ever convince you to stop taunting the libs?... naughty boy (I'm keeping my guns safe in the safe, btw)
val -you need to see this movie girlfriend, you'd never want to be anywhere near these horrifying Aliens!
LGS -we do love our guns here, but you can believe me when I say no one in this house has ever aimed at anything other than a target, definitely NO squirrels, birds or other wildlife. They'd have to answer to ME!
jojo- Ooh, forgot about the zombies, good point. Hand me the shotgun, would ya?
kris- boys just like stuff like that, don't they?
Claire -
I didn't know all Brits were libs.
As for the killing of people with my guns, Val?
Ted Kennedy's car has still killed more people than all of my guns combined, with the possible exception of the Mosin-Nagant I just bought. But that would have been used to kill Nazis. Would that be okay? Or is all killing taboo because it isn't all warm and huggy?
Fuck warm and huggy, Mark, I'll settle for decent human being. I'm not a liberal - I'd be an anarchist if THEY weren't so liberal. But without the bomb thing, 'cos I HATE killing, ergo I hate guns, which were DESIGNED TO KILL, not be toys for boys with small dicks.
Oh dear, Mark, didn't know I could see inside your pants, did you?
Hey, that looks like Ivan in the morning.
I heard you saw our movie too? Hope you watched more of it than AVP...hahaha!
Its such a pity posts meant for fun has to be spoilt by politics. It fucking makes me sick....
I agree. I'd rather converse with aliens. They don't have complexes and they appreciate any kind of food.
Well, let's see, because I made a joke about piss pie I am intolerant, unpleasant and have a small dick.
And I have yet to hurl any invective your way, Val. Maybe you have penis envy.
As far as you hating guns is concerned - who gives a shit? Don't buy one.
See how easy that is?
Aliens, Zombies, Guns...It's a guy thing. (Although I do like a good zombie flick!)
I know I have penis envy. VINCENT's!!! LOL
That way I am his favorite thing. Ha-ha!
Thank god for women like Axe and Claire who have a sense of humour!!!
eeeeeek, Claire, they "made you" go... what a good mom you are.
actually I would have taken mine to see the film too, difference is I would have left them there and picked them up later... doh!!!!!
well I've commented on your post; now I'm wondering whether to comment on your comments... nah, think I'll pass
Claire, may you and yours be blessed with the best in 2008... good health, contentment and joy and lotsa giggles
lotsa luv ann xxxxx
I tried, Claire. I really did. Just couldn't find a pic that would work.
We need our guns so that the government doesn't get so powerful that it starts to confiscate half of our income and install cameras at every intersection.
Crap. I think we waited to long to start shooting.
thanks for trying Diesel!
I'm a big fan of the original Alien Quadrilogy. Themes of motherhood, parasitism and resilience - what's not to like? Kudos for sitting through this latest mash-up, though. I for one refuse to watch any xenomorph movie without Warrant Officer Ellen Ripley in it.
EOH -According to my son who is a huge fan of all things Alien and Predator, this movie stays true to the original concepts. Also I can tell you that the hero of this story is a kick-ass Ripleyesque female who manages to save her daughter while her brave husband sacrificed himself early on. It was actually a good movie, just too bloody for me cuz I'm wimpy.
I think it is cool that you went anyway. You go bond!
I am not into the sci fi thing, but some of the concepts are very interesting. I usually can't get by all the other crazy stuff they are trying to wow you with that seems silly and fake.
Keeping it real would be a good way for them to coaz me into their fold, but I guess that kind of is like anti genre eh?
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