I happen to still be mad at my father the alcoholic/drug addicted jerk who offed himself when I was a kid. He terrorized us with his attempts before getting it right.
Motorcycle Suicide Guy also has kids. I found out more about him through a motorcycle forum he was a member of. Dude had a lot of friends. Around 200 people gave his widow $10 grand. He planned it all out right down to a note and a phone call to police at the bottom of the hill at 5:00 am, so that his smashed up remains wouldn't have to be around for too long. I guess he just snapped. So I got over being mad and I started to go around to the side entrance to avoid the giant photo, flowers, teddy bears, bad energy, and other assorted mementos.
So after obsessive ruminations, a few bad dreams and a short trip on the crazy train, I got over it. I don't even think "Stupid DoucheBag!" when I might pass the nonworking waterfall. In fact, I'll bet it will be fixed as soon as they can finish cleaning out all of MSG's body bits from the filter. I am so over this.
Now for something completely different. This is the photo that I WON'T be sending out with the Christmas cards:
AND: Return of the Pomchi, part 2
My friends are going on a Christmas cruise, so I get Maggie for 2 whole weeks!! Yippee!
Everyone around here loves her, even Crystal and Toby the carefree retrievers (well, maybe not long suffering hubby who has had to learn to like living in somewhat of a zoo).
Aww, it's the cutest little doggie! Hope you make it through D3 okay. MSG left kids behind with nothing but questions that can never be answered. That's not right. I'm sorry that he had to remind you of your own childhood. Some say it's cowardice, some say it's bravery. I'll just say that it shouldn't have to happen at all.
I want a Christmas Pomchi to come visit me too!
Yes, of course. Those T-shirts would be totally inappropriate for Christmas carding. Apart from that, it would be perfect!
Little girls smoking cigars is wholesome and wholesome is what Christmas is all about.
Where did your email go!?!? It is gone. Sigh.....I am SO mad at self.
Crap. Almost forgot: GO WILDCATS!!!!
Suicide leaves so much scars for loved ones and family. I am glad you are able to let go the negative feelings that MSG generated by his (desperate?) act. Whatever demons he had, he has left them behind but his family will have to live with its effects for their lifetime.
Oh, and you have a handsome (& pretty) family.
I think it would make a great Christmas card. ;) The All-American family.
I vote for it for a Christmas card for sure! I think everyone would crack up!!
As for Dec. 1, 2, 3, that's a rough patch of dates. I'm so sorry that your dad killed himself. And I understand why that motorcyclist's act upset you so much.
I never know what to make of suicide. Part of me thinks, "Poor, desperate person" the rest thinks, "Selfish b******".
And I was so focused on the cigars and faces, I totally missed the t-shirts, so I'm goin gback for another look.
EOH -Oh yes, you'd love Maggie. She's a happy little dog. I love your blog. It reads somewhat like Natural History Magazine or Smithsonian both which I read cover to cover every month.
Gawpo - We're nothing if not wholesome around here. Go Wildcats indeed, they ended with 6-3, so no playoffs. Next year when FPM is the starting defensive end, I'm sure they'll do better! LOL!!
LGS- it will always be a puzzle to me, so I prefer not to think about it. Thanks for the compliment!
Rose -I'm pretty much undiscomboobulated now, so I will post a review of Brian's book soon.
Jojo -you know I'm tempted, but some of our elderly Indiana relatives might not think it's so funny.
Val -the t-shirt TestCase is wearing is Red Hot Chili Peppers (Blood, Sex, Sugar, Magik) and FPM is just in his football t-shirt. WP has one of those snarky bunny shirts on (the queen of cut-low). Gee, what's wrong with those in a Christmas card, har, har?
The only thing wrong with that pic is that nobody is wearing one of my Jupiter t-shirts.
Diesel -if I was in that picture, you can rest assured I would be wearing the jupiter t-shirt. I wear it all the time and never fail to get comments on it from perfect strangers. Uh-oh, what about that shirt attracts strangers????
I appreciate the elaborations on your reaction to The Douchebag. Makes sense...and good job not losing it during the Dead Days.
My, my.
But those kids make up for anything, eh?
aww claire, that is rough stuff you're going thru there, i'm so sorry.
on the other hand, that is a great pic of your kids!!
I'm glad you put your demons to rest now, C! Good for you, babe!
As I have been on the suicide highway TWICE, I am not going to try and convince anyone here that it really DID seem like the ONLY way out of the hell I lived.
That little canine is downright EDIBLE! Just don't step on her by accident!!! LOL!
I don't know how you overcame what you did, and seemed to glean info and sympathy for others, but I am glad you did.
A friend of mine has traveled a horrible road ever since his mother's suicide. If you know of anything, book, person or whatever to help him let me know.
Life sure is strange.
jocelyn -yes they certainly do
kris -I'm thru it and on the otherside
axe -I do truly understand and I will help you anyway I can because I sense in you hidden strength. You love your kids more than anything and they need you in this world more than the dark side needs you in its world. You know it too.
wreckless -it is just a process that takes a lot of painful time. I feel badly for your friend, his mother was simply ill in her brain and there was nothing that he could have done about it. He will struggle with it always to some extent.
Damn you've been through a lot of crap! Glad those death memorials are over for you! I don't know why, but the holidays seem to bring out the varying shades of the Grim Reaper from regular black (off myself) to pitch black (off myself and several random strangers at the mall).
That dog looks like a cutie and a ball of energy!
Take Care
GREAT pic!! LOL!
And ugh to the whole MCG saga. :-/
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