Monday, November 20, 2006

Nothing Says Party Like....

a pig with a purple party hat hanging out in his pretty pink carrier. Yea, I said 'his', poor Mickey- first gay guinea pig. Ever. Luckily, he's a very happy fellow who is always fed well. He never complains about the outfits he's forced to endure, because he gets carrots!

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Here's a question for everyone: Who did you love before Vincent hit your radar?
I loved Ewan McGregor. He was fantabulous in Moulin Rouge. He has an infectious smile. Way before that it was Pierce Brosnan when he was on Remington Steele. Love that black hair/blue eye combo. Now its VDO of course who has captured my imagination. He has that certain something that I am unable to describe. Purrrrr....


The Rev. Dr. Kate said...

Your post reminded me of my brother - that came out wrong! My brother had a guinea pig named Waldo. Waldo had seasonal costumes - rabbit ears, reindeer ears, etc,. but my favorite was his GIJoe outfit sitting in GIJoe's jeep motoring across the lawn! LOL!
And yes - Remington Steele - I LOVED the show and still adore Pierce Brosnan - that voice, those hands! And I'll confess that it is Goren, not VDO of whom I am so fond.

ann said...

oh claire I am so with you on Ewan McGregor... Moulin Rouge was wonderful... one of those films people either loved or hated and I fall into the former catagory.

Ewan was once in a very dark film called Young Adam... very dark set in early 50's northern england, but we got a full frontal... mmmmmm

now a little after seeing this film, which I have to add unlike Moulin Rouge could only be seen the once, I then had the chance to see him live on the london stage in guys and dolls.... I had a fantastic centre stalls seat a few rows back and I sat there watching him with a huge grin on my face knowing what I know...

However in truth Ewan has never occupied my dreams like vdo/bobby does. I can honestly say at my great age this is the first schoolgirl kinda crush/fantasy I've had over an actor.

It was like an awakening from being numbed by my breakup and seeing a guy on screen who aroused me as my ex did... just by walking into the room.

oh well.....

lotsa luv ann xxxxx

p.s. guinea pig is cute too

val said...

I've never had such a strong crush either.

I like Ewan McGregor from what I saw of him when they put him in the Amazon rainforest. He was so sweet to the guide and endured a lot (unlike one of our female comics, Caroline Quentin who did another such show and moaned all the time and was horrible to her guide) but I don't see him as attractive.

val said...

By the way, forgot to mention the Guniea pig. I love them - such talkative little creatures.

Claire said...

K+ love the Waldo story, I'm sure your brother's very manly, lol.
Ann- I so loved Moulin Rouge. I love great romantic movies. Also-Phantom of the Opera- I'm weird, I liked the phantom.
GL- We love to grouse about how men are pigs, but then we moon over some of them in the silliest ways...
Val- VDO seems to have struck a world wide female chord. It is funny how we all say our 'true crush' is BG. hmm...

JoJo said...

Who DIDN'T I love before Vincent?! I've always been actor/boy crazy. But immediately b/f Vincent I liked Peter Keleghan, John Pyper Ferguson, Ian Tracey....

Hubby and I have had guinea pigs... they are SO CUTE! Our first, Oliver, was probably my fave. Then we had Max and Patches.