Friday, December 22, 2006

Sugar is My Crack

Whew! I'm glad that's over. The last day of school before the holiday break is always fun. My day started early. I got to school early for my reading intervention class that exactly 5 out of 17 kids showed up for. I felt the love though when school officially began and I was inundated with gifts from my students in 4th grade. YUM! I try not to eat sugar but there it was and its my crack I can't resist. Everything kind of went nuts after that.

Every class had a party. I gathered my 'guys' at recess and we communed with the 4th grade pet rats (it calms them). Later at the teacher's request I pulled a 1st grade boy (who I work with at other times) who is 7 going on 17 from his class in order to do 'something' with him cuz he is Jewish and he tells the other kids that his dad says that Santa is "a bunch of Christian crap". Here's why I love the internet- I type in 'jewish children's art projects' and BOOM I've got coloring pages and a nifty idea for a special star of David card we can make for his parents. It actually works. He doesn't want to color, but he wants to do the card, his way of course, but that's ok. Then I make the mistake of asking him to tell me about Channukah. He lectures me on middle east politics (yes I know he is only 7, but he has been well schooled). I change the subject and I convince him that he is going to love third grade because he will have an actual jewish teacher (who is a friend of mine). Whew, that was close.

Its still the last day and I have paper work to turn in for the reading intervention but I can't get it done because I run into another teacher who informs me that Matt (the one kid I am officially attached to who has been just having a great year) repeated punched one of her students while I was dodging delicate religous talk with a 7 year old. Yikes! I privately think that other kid is a brat and probably deserved it. I never get the paperwork done. Matt wants to take the rats home for break and is freaking out about it. His mom is iffy on rats. I agree she can drop them off at my house after a few days (its ok, see the zoo post).

My daughter and I pack up all our school stuff so we can race home, get her boots and get her to her horseback riding lesson. It has changed locations and I'm not sure where to go. But mercy! I find it. My crack is wearing off. I'm tired and jittery. I lock my keys in the car at the end of the lesson. I haven't done that in 10 years because I have OCD. I phone hubby but it will take him 45 minutes to get out there in the dark. I have to climb a fence and step in horse poo to get out to the road to flag him down. My boys are annoyed with me for not calling them to come and rescue me. That is so sweet! They actually love me...
All is well until I wake up the next day and want more crack!!!!


Claire said...

At the last minute of course! For some weird reason the calendar just worked out that way this year. Who knows what lurks in the minds of school district officials??

The Rev. Dr. Kate said...

School district officials are just marking off the days so that school can end earlier in June - they don't care about women teachers who are also mothers who have to make the holidays happen at home! My niece and boys had a half day yesterday.
As for your crack - that's the only way we survive the chaos of the season - our bribe as you will for making it happen. Just took the Christmas muffins out of the oven, have the cranberry mousse in the fridge, am cooling the custard for the trifle and about to make cranberry scones. Several friends sent cookies and chocolate in the mail. My addiction will be well supplied this holiday season!
Blessings to you and yours!

JoJo said...

I love sugar too...I try to be good, but my mom insists on sending knot cookies which I love... plus all the goodies we get at work from the clients!

That 7 y/o boy is very precocious for his age. It's a shame he is spouting his father's rhetoric though, but kudos to you for finding Chanukah-related stuff for him to do!!

Hope your Christmas was a merry one!

ann said...

hi Claire... booba's back.

sugar... I think I've been on a sugar fix for the last few months... surreal and horribly horribly fattening.

ah... the Jewish genius... no comment... LOLOLOLOL

shame about the horse dung... smelly claire... pooooooh!!! however, I shouldn't laugh I have a story about keys locked in cars when I get round to posting it... hmmmm!!

hope your hols were great and you and yours are well

lotsa luv ann xxxxx