Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Feelin' the Love

I received such an amazing outpouring of love and gifts from my students in the form of valentines, flowers, balloons, candy, chocolates, cupcakes, brownies and probably some other stuff I've forgotten about. If I actually eat all the sugar (sugar IS my crack- so I can't, I can't!), I will be as fat as a hog by Friday.

Happy Valentines Day to all my friendly blogging buddies! Life is so much better when I think, laugh and learn with you all.
Happy Valentines Day to my hubby who is not romantic but shows his love when he makes sure my car has clean oil and the windshield is clean so it is safe to drive at night in the rain.
Happy Valentines Day to Test Case who is so much more than his epilepsy. He's a guy with a fantastic group of loyal friends who really knows how to show he cares.
Happy Valentines Day to FPM who is not just a football player. No one is more tenacious and hard working than he is- a real role model.
Happy Valentines Day to the Warrior Princess who is not just a silly 6th grader. She's smart and funny, someone who knows how to have fun but can strike a balance with work that needs to be done.
Finally, Happy Valentines Day to Crissy, Toby, Jigs, Tiger and Graykitty because you sweet dogs and cats really know how to make me feel human (and drive down the blood pressure).


Anonymous said...

I feel it sister, I feel it! Thank you, I hope you are having a wonderful evening as well.



The Rev. Dr. Kate said...

Happy Hearts day to you too!

JoJo said...

Glad you had such a lovely day and received so many goodies!!! Life's too short not to eat chocolate and sweets; I say go for it.

Jane said...

Oh, you can't deprive yourself...Portions, it's all about portions....A little bit of the cupcake...A little bit of the brownie! Of course if you can do that, you have my deepest admiration!!

fezzi said...

sounds like you had a wonderful v-day:)

ann said...

How wonderful to know you're so loved...

and lots of love from me too...

robkroese said...

I'm a little late, but Happy Valentine's Day! And more important, have a happy Inappropriate Card Day!

Claire said...

Yes it all was very lovely. Portions? I can't do no stinkin' portions when it comes to chocolate!
Inappropriate Card Day is fan-friggin'-tastic!!!!

Logophile said...

I love inappropriate card day, I have several ready to go.
Feeling the love is a good thing, no matter the day, eh?

G said...

Yes, I'm closer to Inappropriate Card Day than Valentine's so...Happy Arbor Day!