Monday, May 14, 2007

"Yarp!" What do the Ming Dynasty and Hot Fuzz Have in Common?

Well, me of course. I received an early surprise Mother's Day gift of a plane ticket to Oregon where I visited FPM. It just so happens he turned 19 on Sunday. I rolled into Portland early Saturday afternoon, my son picked me up and we drove about an hour to McMinnville where he attends Linfield College. He is a football player for the Linfield Wildcats, hence the name of my blog.
FPM needed to spend some quality time in the library researching a paper he is writing having to do with the Mongols, Manchus, Chinese Ming Dynasty and the Great Wall. Oh and I Hate libraries -NOT! And did I mention he seems to have expanded in muscular proportion? He's so much bigger than I remember from just this winter.
All that researchin' built up our appetites so we had to go out and have a wonderful dual Mother's Day/Birthday dinner. We discussed movies. I mentioned that I had heard Hot Fuzz was a good movie (thanks to MalnurturedSnay). FPM really wanted to see it, so I agreed. Guess what, it was hilfreakinlarious. Surely these people are channeling Monty Python.
The following day we Had to partake in a dual Mother's Day/Birthday breakfast. Gee that was delicious too. Getting the picture here? It was just a huge and wonderful surprise (thanks Hubby!). I loved seeing the beautiful campus (flowers everywhere!) and spending time in that cute little town (3rd Street! -bead shop!). The best part was seeing my son who I miss but at the same time I am really happy about where he is and what he is doing. And I actually got home in time to have another Mother's Day dinner with the rest of the fam (stuffed like a porker I am!).
If it makes Mama happy then, it is "For the greater good" (see that movie!).


G said...

Sounds like a perfect Mother's Day - good for you. Hot Fuzz you say - add it to the list.

Happy Mother's Day Claire!

Malnurtured Snay said...

TOLD YOU!!!! Glad you loved it!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a great Mother's Day! I bought my wife a bike and we all (even almost 2 year old little man) peddled to the ice cream store. Not quite as long as a trip as yours, but I am glad we both share a love of family and had a good day.

Jane said...


The Rev. Dr. Kate said...

So glad you had a wonderful mother's day weekend! I am already anticipating missing my oldest, but I am so enjoying the adult he has become and look forward to the way our relationship will change and grow!

JoJo said...

What a great time!!!! Bead shop? Did someone say Bead shop?

ann said...

what an awesome mother's day... good for you

my kids raved about that film...

Claire said...

g- it was wonderful!

snay- I bow to your greater movie wisdom :)

wreckless- thank you. I love biking with the fam.

tess- hope you had a good day too!

K+- It was an adjustment for me, but I made it! You will too. After our 'babies' are gone, well then it will be another story! Keep talkin' to me for the next 7-8 years, ok?

jojo- a very cool bead shop. I bought some earrings there last fall and lost one. She's going to match it for me. I bought two more pair. Lovely town, people could not have been any more pleasant.

ann- it was awesome. If you like Monty Python, you'll enjoy Hot Fuzz

Anonymous said...


Sounds like a wonderful time, even better than our weekend. Happy you had a great day.



robkroese said...

Yeah, I will definitely see that. Probably not til Netflix has it though. I supposed you've seen Shawn of the Dead?

Dan said...

Oregon! Cool! My wife and I are planning on spending a week there in July. Is it as beautiful as they say?

Claire said...

Thanks Rose!

diesel- in a weird coincidence I caught the last half of Shaun of the Dead the very next day on the comedy channel.

Hi Dan, thanks for stopping by. All of Oregon I have seen is quite lovely!

Logophile said...

Alright, adding that to my list of movies to watch some day soon.
Glad you got to see your birthday boy for the big day you shared, that is fabulous and wow, what's not to love about some time at the library, eh?

Malnurtured Snay said...

YARP! Yarp! yarp!

(I can't wait until this movie is released on DVD).