Monday, January 07, 2008

Madonna Visits Northern California

Madonna was spotted hanging out with her BFF, Ignatia, in a posh little northern California town this past holiday season. Er, that would be Madonna the Iguana who needed a place to stay when her folks decamped to the east coast for vacation. Luckily Iggs (as she's commonly known) forgot about the last time Madonna visited and nearly bit her (and only was interrupted by long suffering hubby who received the slashing in her place, but we really shouldn't have mentioned that, ok?).

Madonna the Queen of the World

Ignatia the Sweet Hostess

Iggs heads for a morning drink

Madonna makes sure Iggs is only getting a drink

Jiggs the cat stops in for a snack

Madonna, Iggs and Jiggs all enjoy dark leafy greens

No one was hurt during this visit, unless you count Iggy's pride when Madonna jumped down from on high and climbed on top of her. Both Iguanas are used to cats drinking their water and eating their food (thankfully). The mitigating factor here was that it is winter and the girls are in a kind of slow motion semi-hibernation where they don't eat much and sleep a lot on their heating pads (and get covered up at night and generally spoiled a bit). Madonna left fully refreshed and ready to nap some more when her family picked her up.
Oh, the life of a celebrity...


Unknown said...

You cover up the iguanas? Like in a blanket? This is something I've got to see...

G said...

"Madonna jumped down from on high and climbed on top of her." Just what I would have expected!

Is that a wildlife sanctuary you're running there? You may be interested in my current post then.

JoJo said...

Eegads....reptiles really give me the creeps. I don't even like the gecko in the GEICO commercials!

val said...

Can I come and stay in your retirement home for pampered pets, please?

Claire said...

EOH- At night I turn down the heating pad to low and cover her with a towel. I just think it makes her feel more secure.

g -Madonna can be such a bitch!

jojo -I don't tell people that she doesn't live in a cage...

val -sure, but ya gotta be a real animal to qualify.

kris said...

mammals don't count??

that's too funny! when i 1st started to read this post i thought "did i miss somewhere that claire is a big madonna fna or something? why in the world is she posting about madonna!?"

she doesn't live in a cage? does she roam around? or does she just kind of stay in her own little area?

Axe said...

Aren't they cold blooded? Or is it a celebrity thing? Ha-ha!!

I just love things with scales!

Rasputin said...

Axe's comment reminded me of a pic I saw.

Lady liberty loves things with scales, too...

robkroese said...

I forgot you've got all these creepy animals around. You're kind of weird, you know?

Anonymous said...

In my earlier and sometimes funner days, I remember waking up in some girls house, and feeling something heavy on me.
her pet, giant repilian beast thought that I made quite a nice heat pad.
Talk about beer goggles!

Claire said...

kris -she can roam, but doesn't because she prefers to stay in her warm area. She spends summers on my sunny upstairs porch.

axe -ha! she is coldblooded but lovable ih her own reptilian way

rasputin -that is a funny picture but it somehow didn't remind me of iguanas

diesel aka nerdboy -you make me laugh out loud

wreckless -though not a story for the kidlets, that is hilarious!!

Jay said...

It's like a celebritiy spa!

C said...

OMG that is SO COOL!!! And the cats just hang out with them? Wow! I LOVE the one where they're all enjoying the leafy greens together. >^_^<

Jocelyn said...

Hey, I'm in kind of a slow motion semi-hibernation myself.

These animals are my people.

Anonymous said...

Hey Thanks for the book suggestion. I will be checking it out!

Jane said...

The first thing I thought when I saw this post...'Ladies Having Lunch' It's all about the attitude.

Bravo to kitty...I don't think my 4 would be so brave.

Anonymous said...

Hi Claire,

Thanks for stopping by. :) You may have already read the story, but during last weeks cold snap in South Florida, iguanas were falling out of trees. When the sun warmed them up, they all climbed back into the trees.



Claire said...

jay -iguanas make good celebrities

candace -aren't they cute? Iggs is cool as long as the cats don't mess with her. The cats know her sharp tail can hurt.

jocelyn -mine too

tess -at first they would be freaked out but you know cats love to figure stuff out (and love chewing on leafy greens). Before you know it, they'd all be fast friends!

rose -I did not know about that story. Poor creatures. Some may have lost their tails in the fall. Luckily they can grow a new one. I wonder what they eat running around wild in Florida, because I don't think they are native there.