I wish. Nine months. That's how long it's been. But he's been working long hours and not getting enough sleep, so... boom, boom.
There is an upside. Yes, really. TestCase felt an aura. He said, "No!". Brother FPM saw him turn his head, fade and watched his body stiffen. A mere 5 seconds later TestCase came to. He actually managed to derail the convulsive progression. Somehow. He was exhausted as usual, but didn't have a crushing headache.
So, a few days later he came home from work at 11:30 pm from another long day. I whipped up the old TestCase favorite- fried egg sandwich.
I wondered, could I "help" him make it go away?
(My friendly blogpals know that I write about this stuff as stress relief, not for sympathy, cuz Lord knows, things could be so much worse for him and I am profoundly grateful to modern pharmaceuticals. I'm a big picture, glass half- full kinda girl for the most part.)
Yes, focus on the fact that it's been 9 months w/o an episode. Is that the longest he's gone w/o having a seizure?
I LOVE fried egg sammichs! Can you make me one pleeeeze?! ;P
Hope your family has a wonderful weekend.
ah claire, we know you don't do it for sympathy, but we also know how hard it is to watch your kids go thru stuff. so he kind of knew it was coming this time??
Sounds like an amazing case of mind over matter. Well done, TestCase, for staving off a serious attack, and good luck with the alternative counter-measures.
PS Thanks to your post I made myself a really yummy fried egg sammich last night. :P
jojo -You are so funny. Fried egg sandwiches are a manchild fav around here. They serve me better as a metaphor.
val -I have read on various epilepsy sites/blogs that sometimes people can train themselves to do that. I think any sort of biofeedback training probably can't hurt.
The people I know with seizure disorders have, over time, learned to recognize one coming on and take measures to protect themselves. I wish more of this for your lad.
A fried egg sandwich is the answer to everything, I maintain.
Never fun, but as you said, could have been worse. Fingers crossed that this pattern continues.
jocelyn & jay -thanks for your comments. You two are in my top 5 fav writers in blogland.
Hey, you know what else? There are service dogs that are trained to recognize the seizure before it happens. The scientists believe that a person's body chemistry changes and dogs can detect it. They are able to give the person warning so that the person can get themselves into a safe place to ride it out.
It is good news that it's been 9 months since a seizure, and he didn't have the crushing headache.
I've never had a fried egg sandwich, may have to give one a try!
jojo -yes I did know about that. I think Toby could sense when he was vulnerable because he would always be in his bedroom sleeping by his bed around the times he used to have them. Toby usually didn't go into his room at all during other times. Alas, Toby is gone and the current dogs don't have that talent.
tess -personally, I think they're kind of gross especially because he likes them w/ lots of mayo (blech!). But hey, I'd make them all day long and twice on Sundays if I thought they helped in any way, lol.
Fried egg sandwiches... mmmm. It makes me want to read The Object Of My Affection again. The characters in that book were always eating them. I'm really grateful that no-one in my family has a seizure disorder. I seriously don't know how I'd cope.
And jojo, a woman in my lab is taking her dog to a training facility where they teach dogs to sniff out cancer. Although - she want her dog to sniff out bedbugs... a no less noble objective, in my opinion ;)
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