Friday, September 29, 2006

OMG! Test Case Turns 21

The first one to hatch recently turned 21 and I can't fathom how time shot by so fast. When I look back at how nervous I was about being a mother, I can't believe he didn't turn out to be a nutjob! I held my breath all weekend because I was sure he'd have a seizure due to lack of sleep and over celebrating. His friends threw him a very special "Hollywood" party. Everyone had to go dressed as a famous celebrity. Famous to who? Well, my son and his friend went as Jay and Silent Bob. No one my age knows who the hell they are and trust me you don't really want to know. Well, bless him, he didn't go over on his text messaging this month! Someday I'm sure he'll grow up (won't he??) but until then I walk the line between being too strict and too easy going. What to do? We can't just kick him out of the nest just yet. He needs a few shoves but I am not capable of delivering them right now. I'll think about this tomorrow...

1 comment:

ann said...

excuse me ... I'm sure I'm much older than you and I know Jay and Silent Bob.... I think... weren't they first of all in Dogma, a great film, or have I just made a fool of myself... doh!

Happy 21st Birthday to your No.1 son... he maybe 21 but he's still your little boy... you can't kick him out yet... next week maybe!!! LOL

lotsa luv ann xxxxxx