Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Tough Times

This is the fire that forges a courageous heart, I tell my sons. Seizures, football trauma and all the emotions that race around in your brain. I feel too much. It is a real physical pain even though the the worst is actually happening to another, a loved one. Every mother knows what I know. Empathy just turbo-charges those pains.
Life kinda sucks right now and yet they aren't gone forever. I can still talk to them. I also feel guilty about that too. My coworker can't talk to her boy anymore. I tell myself I am ridiculous anyway you look at it.
I've never been normal, why start now?

1 comment:

ann said...

Claire: I know exactly how you feel and I don't think you're ridiculous one little bit... no matter what age they are, they are still our children and their problems are our problems.

My children are 29,27,25 with major issues and worries and my middle one is in poor health, also a life-time condition. We enjoy their pleasure, we suffer their pain... guess that's motherhood.

lotsa luv ann xxxx