Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I Want Your Reaction: California 4th Grade Writing Test

It is that time of year again. Time for the big state of California 4th grade writing test that all 4th graders are given. I am probably going to do something illegal here and post the writing prompt these kids were given. (But rest assured the testing is over so no tricky 10 year old can read my blog and get an advantage.)

Writing a Narrative

One day while you are out on a walk with a dog, the dog suddenly starts talking about where he used to live and how he would like to visit that place again. Write about what happens that day.

Well, whaddaya think my fellow blogging buddies? I don't want to reveal what I think but I am originally from the east coast where I was raised to believe California was 'the land of fruits and nuts'.

Later I may published an excerpt from the essay one of my special guys wrote. It reads more like an epic novel than a mere essay. It is highly creative and quite entertaining. This kid has a good imagination, a beginning, middle and end plus he uses descriptive language. I can hardly wait to see how it is scored because it doesn't follow precisely the prompt. (It is way better in my ever so humble opinion!)


Malnurtured Snay said...

"Oh my god, the dog is speaking English. Does this mean I'm going crazy? I should shoot myself in the head before I become a mass murderer?"

Claire said...

snay, you slay!

Anonymous said...

What do you mean the place where you used to live? You aren't going on about the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm are you? That's a fictional place, ya dumb mutt. We should have never picked you out at a place like Dogs R Us.



cathy said...

I know an English teacher who asked her students to write an essay entitled :-
The results were incredible.
By the way belated birthday wishes.

The Rev. Dr. Kate said...

I am opposed to standardized tests as a general rule. . . particularly for younger children who learn at their own rate. Kudo to dewyknickers for the witty response!
And belated birthday blessings to you!

Claire said...

dewy- you're an adorable smartass!

cathy- but how old were the kids?

K+ if you can get through elementary school it is a test of mental endurance, they test the kids to death!

JoJo said...

"I remember my old home and family I'd like to go see them again oh look a squirrel I wanna chase it what's that smell it smells like Buster was here awhile ago oh a stinky piece of garbage I wanna roll on it can we go home now so I can lay in my bed I wanna biscuit are we there yet are we there yet...." Well, that's why MY dog's day would sound like.

Claire said...

jojo- no kidding, dogs definitely have olfactory ADD. Never enough good sniffs in a day!

Jane said...

This is for 4th graders? Who comes up with this....

Although, this does sound familiar. When I was in college I took a creative writing class. The assignment was...What if? My paper was...What if animals could talk...

I think I'm scared.

fezzi said...

hmm, i gotta tell ya, my second grader would love this idea. but he'd hate that he actually had to WRITE it down. to get him to write more i gave him a journal and told him he could write whatever he wanted in it. his response was to tell stories, half written and half drawn. i thought that was pretty creative. also a pretty creative way to get o/o writing so much! i'd luv to read what they wrote.

val said...

Don't know about the dog, but the exam-setter is barking mad.

JoJo, you have such empathy with canine-kind!

robkroese said...

You know, if I were taking that test in 4th grade I honestly probably would have written about how I hit the dog over the head with a shovel and buried him in the backyard so he wouldn't get any more "ideas."

My teachers worried about me.

Claire said...

tess- sounds like a great prompt for a college level creative writing course- 4th grade, not so much.

fezzi- well I don't know how they do stuff in your neck of the woods, but you might continue to encourage him to write- a lot!

val- OMG I love english slang. It makes me laugh!

diesel- as well they should have!!

Malnurtured Snay said...

Aw, flattery will get you everywhere!

G said...

I've brought in my 4th grader for her opinion who reports "I think it would be easy because usally 4th graders have creative minds". Heh, easy for her to say. I'm not so sure that I agree and that it is a fair tool to use for writing a narrative. Do let us know what you think and also would love to see the essay that your student wrote.

Jocelyn said...

Wow, what an interesting prompt. I can't decide if I like it or not for that type of test...For those who don't easily think creatively (the more linear thinkers), it could be tough.

Hmmm. I'd love to read the responses to it.

Claire said...

I think it is a dumb prompt for 4th grade kids. Why can't they just learn to summarize a brief passage in a short paragraph. Boring? Yes, but way more useful for kids that age.
(Plus, that prompt makes us in Cali look like a bunch of chumps)
I am going to ask permission (from the mom) to post my favorite response.

ann said...

what year is 4th grade... how old are these children?

I would have thought a child's imagination could go wild with this... seems I must be a lone voice, but I don't know what age you're talking about here.

Also, I have confirmation that I'm stupid... doh!!!!

Claire said...

Ann you are not stupid! You just aren't up on American public school education which is A-ok since you don't live here. These kids are 9 or 10 years old.

Jacob said...






Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Genial post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you seeking your information.

Anonymous said...

Hmm.. I've thought about this alot..... It does lead to other issues...