Here is a photo of Motorcycle Suicide Guy's impromptu memorial. I was effing pissed off about it because I had to drive by it everyday, twice a day. Oh, oh, why be angry with the poor bastard?
I happen to still be mad at my father the alcoholic/drug addicted jerk who offed himself when I was a kid. He terrorized us with his attempts before getting it right.
Motorcycle Suicide Guy also has kids. I found out more about him through a motorcycle forum he was a member of. Dude had a lot of friends. Around 200 people gave his widow $10 grand. He planned it all out right down to a note and a phone call to police at the bottom of the hill at 5:00 am, so that his smashed up remains wouldn't have to be around for too long. I guess he just snapped. So I got over being mad and I started to go around to the side entrance to avoid the giant photo, flowers, teddy bears, bad energy, and other assorted mementos.

Now the Dead Dad Days are nearly over. That would be the anniversary dates of the deaths of my biodad, stepfather and father-in-law: Dec.1, 2 & 3. I liked my FIL the best cuz he actually liked me, daresay, maybe loved me like a daughter.
So after obsessive ruminations, a few bad dreams and a short trip on the crazy train, I got over it. I don't even think "Stupid DoucheBag!" when I might pass the nonworking waterfall. In fact, I'll bet it will be fixed as soon as they can finish cleaning out all of MSG's body bits from the filter. I am so over this.
Now for something completely different. This is the photo that I WON'T be sending out with the Christmas cards:

These are some of my ab fab fav people hamming it up with daddy's cigars. This goes into a 5x7 frame for hubby as a Christmas gift. They are my reasons to be grateful and I never stop knowing that.
AND: Return of the Pomchi, part 2
My friends are going on a Christmas cruise, so I get Maggie for 2 whole weeks!! Yippee!
Everyone around here loves her, even Crystal and Toby the carefree retrievers (well, maybe not long suffering hubby who has had to learn to like living in somewhat of a zoo).